hmmpfam - search one or more sequences against HMM database HMMER 2.3.2 (Oct 2003) Copyright (C) 1992-2003 HHMI/Washington University School of Medicine Freely distributed under the GNU General Public License (GPL) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - HMM file: /db/iprscan/data/smart.HMMs.bin Sequence file: /db/iprscan/tmp/20080501/iprscan-20080501-18014977/chunk_1/iprscan-20080501-18014977.nocrc - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Query sequence: KIAA0124 Accession: [none] Description: [none] Scores for sequence family classification (score includes all domains): Model Description Score E-value N -------- ----------- ----- ------- --- SM00320 150.8 1.4e-40 7 Parsed for domains: Model Domain seq-f seq-t hmm-f hmm-t score E-value -------- ------- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ------- SM00320 1/7 338 377 .. 1 46 [] 46.2 4.3e-09 SM00320 2/7 380 419 .. 1 46 [] 7.9 28 SM00320 3/7 458 501 .. 1 46 [] 0.7 3.9e+02 SM00320 4/7 504 542 .. 1 46 [] 11.7 6.9 SM00320 5/7 545 584 .. 1 46 [] 22.3 0.066 SM00320 6/7 588 627 .. 1 46 [] 34.3 1.6e-05 SM00320 7/7 639 682 .] 1 46 [] 27.8 0.0015 Alignments of top-scoring domains: SM00320: domain 1 of 7, from 338 to 377: score 46.2, E = 4.3e-09 *->t.kllrtlkgHtgespVtsvafspdggssdspnllasgs.DgtirlW ++ + +++gH++ V+++++sp g ++l+sgs+Dg++rlW KIAA0124 338 PtCQALVYRGHSD--LVRCLSVSPGG------QWLVSGSdDGSLRLW 376 d<-* + KIAA0124 377 E 377 SM00320: domain 2 of 7, from 380 to 419: score 7.9, E = 28 *->t.kllrtlkgHtgespVtsvafspdggssdspnllasgs.DgtirlW t +++rt + g V sva++p+ +l+++ ++ l KIAA0124 380 TaRCVRTVP-VGG--VVKSVAWNPSP-----AVCLVAAAvEDSVLLL 418 d<-* + KIAA0124 419 N 419 SM00320: domain 3 of 7, from 458 to 501: score 0.7, E = 3.9e+02 *->t.kllrtlk.gHtgespVtsvafspdggssdspnllasgs.Dgt... ++++ l+ +H + pVt v+++ g ++la+ +++ KIAA0124 458 ErQVGLRLRiCHGK--PVTQVTWHGRG------DYLAVVLaTQGhtq 496 irlWd<-* + + KIAA0124 497 VLIHQ 501 SM00320: domain 4 of 7, from 504 to 542: score 11.7, E = 6.9 *->t.kllrtlkgHtgespVtsvafspdggssdspnllasgsDgtirlWd ++ + ++ g V vaf+p +l+++s +++rl++ KIAA0124 504 RrRSQSPFRHSHG--QVQRVAFHPAR------PFLLVASQRSVRLYH 542 <-* KIAA0124 - - SM00320: domain 5 of 7, from 545 to 584: score 22.3, E = 0.066 *->t.kllrtlkgHtgespVtsvafspdggssdspnllasgs.DgtirlW ++l+++l + +V+s+a++p g + +++gs D+++ + KIAA0124 545 RqELTKKLMPNCK--WVSSLAVHPAG------DNVICGSyDSKLVWF 583 d<-* d KIAA0124 584 D 584 SM00320: domain 6 of 7, from 588 to 627: score 34.3, E = 1.6e-05 *->t.kllrtlkgHtgespVtsvafspdggssdspnllasgs.DgtirlW ++k+ r l+ H++ + ++vaf+p l+asgs+Dg++ + KIAA0124 588 StKPYRMLRHHKK--ALRAVAFHPRY------PLFASGSdDGSVIVC 626 d<-* + KIAA0124 627 H 627 SM00320: domain 7 of 7, from 639 to 682: score 27.8, E = 0.0015 *->t.kllrtlkgHtge..spVtsvafspdggssdspnllasgs.Dgtir ++++lkgH +++ +V++v f+p+ +++s++ Dgt+r KIAA0124 639 LlVPVKVLKGHVLTrdLGVLDVIFHPTQ------PWVFSSGaDGTVR 679 lWd<-* l+ KIAA0124 680 LFT 682 //