hmmpfam - search one or more sequences against HMM database HMMER 2.3.2 (Oct 2003) Copyright (C) 1992-2003 HHMI/Washington University School of Medicine Freely distributed under the GNU General Public License (GPL) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - HMM file: /db/iprscan/data/Pfam.bin Sequence file: /db/iprscan/tmp/20080501/iprscan-20080501-18412959/chunk_1/iprscan-20080501-18412959.nocrc - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Query sequence: KIAA0148 Accession: [none] Description: [none] Scores for sequence family classification (score includes all domains): Model Description Score E-value N -------- ----------- ----- ------- --- Putative GTPase activating protein for Arf 199.4 7.7e-57 1 PF01412.9.fs Putative GTPase activating protein for Arf 197.5 1.6e-56 1 Spa2 homology domain (SHD) of GIT 139.2 1e-38 2 PF08518.2.fs Spa2 homology domain (SHD) of GIT 135.2 1.6e-37 2 PF00023.20.fs Ankyrin repeat 31.9 6.4e-08 3 Ankyrin repeat 31.8 2.2e-06 2 Parsed for domains: Model Domain seq-f seq-t hmm-f hmm-t score E-value -------- ------- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ------- PF01412.9.fs 1/1 22 147 .. 1 137 [] 197.5 1.6e-56 1/1 22 147 .. 1 137 [] 199.4 7.7e-57 PF00023.20.fs 1/3 160 183 .. 6 29 .. 3.0 7.6 1/2 189 221 .. 1 33 [] 27.8 3.5e-05 PF00023.20.fs 2/3 189 221 .. 1 33 [] 25.8 3.2e-06 PF00023.20.fs 3/3 222 244 .. 1 23 [. 3.1 7.1 2/2 222 254 .. 1 33 [] 4.0 7.8 1/2 291 321 .. 1 31 [] 70.0 6.8e-18 PF08518.2.fs 1/2 291 321 .. 1 31 [] 68.0 2.7e-17 2/2 355 385 .. 1 31 [] 69.2 1.2e-17 PF08518.2.fs 2/2 355 385 .. 1 31 [] 67.2 5e-17 Alignments of top-scoring domains: PF01412.9.fs: domain 1 of 1, from 22 to 147: score 197.5, E = 1.6e-56 *->qrvlqlLrsldpgNkkCfDCgavpnPtWaSvnlGvflCieCSGiHRn +++++Lrs++ +C+DC p+P WaSvn G+flC eC+++HR+ KIAA0148 22 GAMSKRLRSSE----VCADCSG-PDPSWASVNRGTFLCDECCSVHRS 63 LfGvHiSkVnvRSltLDsWtpeelrklesckgGNenansfwEsnlddfsl L G+HiS+V R+l+++ W+p+ l+++e ++N++ans+wE+ l d+++ KIAA0148 64 L-GRHISQV--RHLKHTPWPPTLLQMVE--TLYNNGANSIWEHSLLDPAS 108 kpkdsdaaa.v.KCqddrqkyesfiaaKYeeklfvlkeeqee<-* ++++++ a++++K + ++ +fi+aKY++++fv+++++++ KIAA0148 109 IMSGRRKANpQdK---VHPNKAEFIRAKYQMLAFVHRLPCRD 147 domain 1 of 1, from 22 to 147: score 199.4, E = 7.7e-57 *->qrvlqlLrsldpgNkkCfDCgavpnPtWaSvnlGvflCieCSGiHRn +++++Lrs++ +C+DC p+P WaSvn G+flC eC+++HR+ KIAA0148 22 GAMSKRLRSSE----VCADCSG-PDPSWASVNRGTFLCDECCSVHRS 63 LfGvHiSkVnvRSltLDsWtpeelrklesckgGNenansfwEsnlddfsl L G+HiS+V R+l+++ W+p+ l+++e ++N++ans+wE+ l d+++ KIAA0148 64 L-GRHISQV--RHLKHTPWPPTLLQMVE--TLYNNGANSIWEHSLLDPAS 108 kpkdsdaaa.v.KCqddrqkyesfiaaKYeeklfvlkeeqee<-* ++++++ a++++K + ++ +fi+aKY++++fv+++++++ KIAA0148 109 IMSGRRKANpQdK---VHPNKAEFIRAKYQMLAFVHRLPCRD 147 PF00023.20.fs: domain 1 of 3, from 160 to 183: score 3.0, E = 7.6 *->LHlAalrgnlevvklLlsqGAdln<-* LH ++ gnle + Lls GA n KIAA0148 160 LHSSVRTGNLETCLRLLSLGAQAN 183 domain 1 of 2, from 189 to 221: score 27.8, E = 3.5e-05 *->dGfTPLHlAalrgnlevvklLlsqGAdlnaqdd<-* G+TPLH+A++ g++ ++lL +GAd+ qd KIAA0148 189 KGNTPLHVASKAGQILQAELLAVYGADPGTQDS 221 PF00023.20.fs: domain 2 of 3, from 189 to 221: score 25.8, E = 3.2e-06 *->dGfTPLHlAalrgnlevvklLlsqGAdlnaqdd<-* G+TPLH+A++ g++ ++lL +GAd+ qd KIAA0148 189 KGNTPLHVASKAGQILQAELLAVYGADPGTQDS 221 PF00023.20.fs: domain 3 of 3, from 222 to 244: score 3.1, E = 7.1 *->dGfTPLHlAalrgnlevvklLls<-* G TP +A + g++e+++ L++ KIAA0148 222 SGKTPVDYARQGGHHELAERLVE 244 domain 2 of 2, from 222 to 254: score 4.0, E = 7.8 *->dGfTPLHlAalrgnlevvklLlsqGAdlnaqdd<-* G TP +A + g++e+++ L++ +l + KIAA0148 222 SGKTPVDYARQGGHHELAERLVEIQYELTDRLA 254 domain 1 of 2, from 291 to 321: score 70.0, E = 6.8e-18 *->akkKLarlsareFeeLviDvldevdRReqda<-* akkKL++ls+++FeeL++Dv+devdRRe+da KIAA0148 291 AKKKLQSLSNHLFEELAMDVYDEVDRRETDA 321 PF08518.2.fs: domain 1 of 2, from 291 to 321: score 68.0, E = 2.7e-17 *->akkKLarlsareFeeLviDvldevdRReqda<-* akkKL++ls+++FeeL++Dv+devdRRe+da KIAA0148 291 AKKKLQSLSNHLFEELAMDVYDEVDRRETDA 321 domain 2 of 2, from 355 to 385: score 69.2, E = 1.2e-17 *->akkKLarlsareFeeLviDvldevdRReqda<-* +++KLar++a+eF++LviD+l++++RR+q++ KIAA0148 355 GRQKLARFNAHEFATLVIDILSDAKRRQQGS 385 PF08518.2.fs: domain 2 of 2, from 355 to 385: score 67.2, E = 5e-17 *->akkKLarlsareFeeLviDvldevdRReqda<-* +++KLar++a+eF++LviD+l++++RR+q++ KIAA0148 355 GRQKLARFNAHEFATLVIDILSDAKRRQQGS 385 //