hmmpfam - search one or more sequences against HMM database HMMER 2.3.2 (Oct 2003) Copyright (C) 1992-2003 HHMI/Washington University School of Medicine Freely distributed under the GNU General Public License (GPL) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - HMM file: /db/iprscan/data/smart.HMMs.bin Sequence file: /db/iprscan/tmp/20080501/iprscan-20080501-22551606/chunk_1/iprscan-20080501-22551606.nocrc - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Query sequence: KIAA0298 Accession: [none] Description: [none] Scores for sequence family classification (score includes all domains): Model Description Score E-value N -------- ----------- ----- ------- --- SM00502 146.0 3.9e-39 1 SM00336 33.4 3.1e-05 2 Parsed for domains: Model Domain seq-f seq-t hmm-f hmm-t score E-value -------- ------- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ------- SM00336 1/2 33 71 .. 1 51 [] 9.4 0.65 SM00336 2/2 93 134 .. 1 51 [] 24.0 0.021 SM00502 1/1 141 267 .. 1 132 [] 146.0 3.9e-39 Alignments of top-scoring domains: SM00336: domain 1 of 2, from 33 to 71: score 9.4, E = 0.65 *->eraplCeeHgdeepaeffCveedgallCrdCdeageHqanklfrgHr + a+ C+e++ ++ a++ C + +lC C+e+ H r KIAA0298 33 KMARNCSECKEKRAAHILC-TYCNRWLCSSCTEE--H---------R 67 vvll<-* +++ KIAA0298 68 HSPV 71 SM00336: domain 2 of 2, from 93 to 134: score 24.0, E = 0.021 *->eraplCeeHgdeepaeffCveedgallCrdCdeageHqanklfrgHr + ++C+ H e++++fC e++++l C C + eH + Hr KIAA0298 93 DFTLYCPLHT-QEVLKLFC-ETCDMLTCHSCLVV-EH------KEHR 130 vvll<-* + + KIAA0298 131 CRHV 134 SM00502: domain 1 of 1, from 141 to 267: score 146.0, E = 3.9e-39 *->qreaLeelleklrkkaeelekalkqldsiiqevegGqvdenaeevea qr+ Le + +++ +k++ l+ ++kq++++i ev+ +++++ve+ KIAA0298 141 QRMLLEGVTTQVAHKKSSLQTSAKQIEDRIFEVK-----HQHRKVEN 182 eikaafdeLrnaLnerkkqLledLeevkenklkkLeqQlesltqkqekle +ik+a + L+n+Ln++ + L+e+Le +++++++kLeqQl+s++++++++e KIAA0298 183 QIKMAKMVLMNELNKQANGLIEELEGITNERKRKLEQQLQSIMVLNRQFE 232 hainfaeeaLnsgdptelLlskkliierlqellkq<-* h++nf+++a++s+++ +L+sk+li++++q+ll+ KIAA0298 233 HVQNFINWAVCSKTSVPFLFSKELIVFQMQRLLET 267 //