hmmpfam - search one or more sequences against HMM database HMMER 2.3.2 (Oct 2003) Copyright (C) 1992-2003 HHMI/Washington University School of Medicine Freely distributed under the GNU General Public License (GPL) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - HMM file: /db/iprscan/data/Pfam.bin Sequence file: /db/iprscan/tmp/20080502/iprscan-20080502-00550236/chunk_1/iprscan-20080502-00550236.nocrc - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Query sequence: KIAA0364 Accession: [none] Description: [none] Scores for sequence family classification (score includes all domains): Model Description Score E-value N -------- ----------- ----- ------- --- Immunoglobulin domain 180.0 5.2e-51 12 PF00047.15.fs Immunoglobulin domain 161.9 1.6e-45 12 PF07686.7.fs Immunoglobulin V-set domain 30.7 3.4e-08 5 PF07679.6.fs Immunoglobulin I-set domain 23.9 2.3e-06 4 Immunoglobulin V-set domain 17.3 0.00089 1 Parsed for domains: Model Domain seq-f seq-t hmm-f hmm-t score E-value -------- ------- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ------- 1/1 423 516 .. 1 141 [] 17.3 0.00089 4/12 437 495 .. 1 65 [] 30.9 4.1e-06 PF00047.15.fs 4/12 437 495 .. 1 65 [] 29.0 3.2e-07 PF00047.15.fs 5/12 535 587 .. 1 65 [] 18.2 0.00031 5/12 535 587 .. 1 65 [] 20.0 0.0082 7/12 797 853 .. 1 65 [] 13.4 0.34 8/12 893 952 .. 1 65 [] 24.2 0.00043 PF00047.15.fs 8/12 893 952 .. 1 65 [] 22.3 2.2e-05 9/12 989 1045 .. 1 65 [] 20.5 0.0055 PF00047.15.fs 9/12 989 1045 .. 1 65 [] 18.7 0.00022 PF00047.15.fs 11/12 1181 1237 .. 1 65 [] 18.3 0.00028 11/12 1181 1237 .. 1 65 [] 20.1 0.0072 Alignments of top-scoring domains: domain 1 of 1, from 423 to 516: score 17.3, E = 0.00089 *->qsqvtqepprWGLLLASLfWptsvtvaeGgsvtLpCtysGtfddsss ++ + + s +v+ G++v+L+C KIAA0364 423 KTWLLA--RP------------SAVVQMGQNVSLRCRGP-------- 447 ssgtfsiyWyrqqppgkgpeliiisyysyystsegngtvgerfkgrvtls ++g+ + y+ +k+++++ +++ KIAA0364 448 VDGV-GLALYK-KGEDKPLQFLD----------------------ATSID 473 gnpskgdfsLtIsnlqlsDsGtYyCavsns....nelvfgggtrLtVl<- n+s ++n++ sD+G+Y C+ + +++ + ++ ++L+V+ KIAA0364 474 DNTS-----FFLNNVTYSDTGIYSCHYLLTwktsIRMPSHNTVELMVV 516 * KIAA0364 - - domain 4 of 12, from 437 to 495: score 30.9, E = 4.1e-06 *-> G+ v+L+C+ ++v + +++ g +++ l +s ++++s KIAA0364 437 GQNVSLRCRG---PVDGVGLALYKKGEdKPlQFLDATSIDDNTS--- 477 tsLtitnvtpeDggtYtCvv<-* + ++nvt++D+g+Y+C+ KIAA0364 478 --FFLNNVTYSDTGIYSCHY 495 PF00047.15.fs: domain 4 of 12, from 437 to 495: score 29.0, E = 3.2e-07 *-> G+ v+L+C+ ++v + +++ g +++ l +s ++++s KIAA0364 437 GQNVSLRCRG---PVDGVGLALYKKGEdKPlQFLDATSIDDNTS--- 477 tsLtitnvtpeDggtYtCvv<-* + ++nvt++D+g+Y+C+ KIAA0364 478 --FFLNNVTYSDTGIYSCHY 495 PF00047.15.fs: domain 5 of 12, from 535 to 587: score 18.2, E = 0.00031 *-> G+ tL+C+vs + + ++ W + + +v ++ KIAA0364 535 GKAITLQCRVS-HPVLEFSLEWEERETfQKfSVNGD----------- 569 tsLtitnvtpeDggtYtCvv<-* + i+nv+ +gtY+C KIAA0364 570 --FIISNVDGKGTGTYSCSY 587 domain 5 of 12, from 535 to 587: score 20.0, E = 0.0082 *-> G+ tL+C+vs + + ++ W + + +v ++ KIAA0364 535 GKAITLQCRVS-HPVLEFSLEWEERETfQKfSVNGD----------- 569 tsLtitnvtpeDggtYtCvv<-* + i+nv+ +gtY+C KIAA0364 570 --FIISNVDGKGTGTYSCSY 587 domain 7 of 12, from 797 to 853: score 13.4, E = 0.34 *-> G+ + L+C + + ++++g + + +l+ + ++ KIAA0364 797 GQELQLRCKG---WLAGMGFALYKEGEqEPvQQLGAVGREAF----- 835 tsLtitnvtpeDggtYtCvv<-* +ti++++ D+g+Y+C+ KIAA0364 836 --FTIQRMEDKDEGNYSCRT 853 domain 8 of 12, from 893 to 952: score 24.2, E = 0.00043 *-> G +vt++Cs+ + + ++ ++++g ++ +++++ s+ + KIAA0364 893 GARVTFNCST---PHQHMSFILYKDGSeIAsSDRSWASPGASAAH-- 934 tsLtitnvtpeDggtYtCvv<-* + i +v +Dgg+Y+C+ KIAA0364 935 --FLIISVGIGDGGNYSCRY 952 PF00047.15.fs: domain 8 of 12, from 893 to 952: score 22.3, E = 2.2e-05 *-> G +vt++Cs+ + + ++ ++++g ++ +++++ s+ + KIAA0364 893 GARVTFNCST---PHQHMSFILYKDGSeIAsSDRSWASPGASAAH-- 934 tsLtitnvtpeDggtYtCvv<-* + i +v +Dgg+Y+C+ KIAA0364 935 --FLIISVGIGDGGNYSCRY 952 domain 9 of 12, from 989 to 1045: score 20.5, E = 0.0055 *-> G+sv L+C+ + ++ +l++g +++ ++ s + + KIAA0364 989 GKSVILRCQG---TFQGMRFALLQEGAhVPlQFRSVSGNSAD----- 1027 tsLtitnvtpeDggtYtCvv<-* + ++ v eD+g+Y+C KIAA0364 1028 --FLLHTVGAEDSGNYSCIY 1045 PF00047.15.fs: domain 9 of 12, from 989 to 1045: score 18.7, E = 0.00022 *-> G+sv L+C+ + ++ +l++g +++ ++ s + + KIAA0364 989 GKSVILRCQG---TFQGMRFALLQEGAhVPlQFRSVSGNSAD----- 1027 tsLtitnvtpeDggtYtCvv<-* + ++ v eD+g+Y+C KIAA0364 1028 --FLLHTVGAEDSGNYSCIY 1045 PF00047.15.fs: domain 11 of 12, from 1181 to 1237: score 18.3, E = 0.00028 *-> Ge +tL+C+ + p+++ v ++ + ++ + ++ ++ + KIAA0364 1181 GENMTLQCQG--ELPDSTFVLLKEGAQePLeQQRPSGYRAD------ 1219 tsLtitnvtpeDggtYtCvv<-* + + +v+ eD+g+Y+Cv KIAA0364 1220 --FWMPAVRGEDSGIYSCVY 1237 domain 11 of 12, from 1181 to 1237: score 20.1, E = 0.0072 *-> Ge +tL+C+ + p+++ v ++ + ++ + ++ ++ + KIAA0364 1181 GENMTLQCQG--ELPDSTFVLLKEGAQePLeQQRPSGYRAD------ 1219 tsLtitnvtpeDggtYtCvv<-* + + +v+ eD+g+Y+Cv KIAA0364 1220 --FWMPAVRGEDSGIYSCVY 1237 //