hmmpfam - search one or more sequences against HMM database HMMER 2.3.2 (Oct 2003) Copyright (C) 1992-2003 HHMI/Washington University School of Medicine Freely distributed under the GNU General Public License (GPL) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - HMM file: /db/iprscan/data/Pfam.bin Sequence file: /db/iprscan/tmp/20080502/iprscan-20080502-07355663/chunk_1/iprscan-20080502-07355663.nocrc - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Query sequence: KIAA0596 Accession: [none] Description: [none] Scores for sequence family classification (score includes all domains): Model Description Score E-value N -------- ----------- ----- ------- --- WD domain, G-beta repeat 210.3 4.2e-60 12 PF00400.22.fs WD domain, G-beta repeat 207.7 2.5e-59 12 Parsed for domains: Model Domain seq-f seq-t hmm-f hmm-t score E-value -------- ------- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ------- PF00400.22.fs 1/12 97 125 .. 1 28 [. 16.0 0.0015 PF00400.22.fs 2/12 141 170 .. 1 29 [. 14.2 0.0049 PF00400.22.fs 3/12 184 221 .. 1 38 [] 15.0 0.003 PF00400.22.fs 4/12 302 323 .. 14 38 .] 19.5 0.00016 PF00400.22.fs 5/12 366 389 .. 14 38 .] 11.2 0.035 6/12 397 444 .. 1 38 [] 23.8 0.00057 PF00400.22.fs 6/12 405 444 .. 8 38 .] 22.1 2.9e-05 PF00400.22.fs 7/12 486 524 .. 1 38 [] 19.6 0.00015 7/12 486 524 .. 1 38 [] 21.5 0.0027 PF00400.22.fs 8/12 528 569 .. 1 38 [] 18.8 0.00025 PF00400.22.fs 9/12 574 614 .. 1 38 [] 16.9 0.00087 PF00400.22.fs 11/12 668 706 .. 1 38 [] 14.2 0.0048 PF00400.22.fs 12/12 710 748 .. 1 38 [] 36.6 2.4e-09 12/12 710 748 .. 1 38 [] 38.6 2e-08 Alignments of top-scoring domains: PF00400.22.fs: domain 1 of 12, from 97 to 125: score 16.0, E = 0.0015 *->geck.vl.gHtstVtcvafspdsgpllasg<-* ++ ++l+ +t+t++afspd g++l++g KIAA0596 97 HKQHhILnSSRKTITALAFSPD-GKYLVTG 125 PF00400.22.fs: domain 2 of 12, from 141 to 170: score 14.2, E = 0.0049 *->geck.vl.gHtstVtcvafspdsgpllasgS<-* ++ +l+ H+ +V cvafsp+ ++++s + KIAA0596 141 HSQVaELqEHKYGVACVAFSPS-AKYIVSVG 170 PF00400.22.fs: domain 3 of 12, from 184 to 221: score 15.0, E = 0.003 *->geck.vl.gHtstVtcvafspdsgpllasgSrDgtikiWd<-* ++ + + +s Vt+v+fs d ++++++++ ++ik W KIAA0596 184 KNIVvASnKVSSRVTAVSFSED-CSYFVTAGN-RHIKFWY 221 PF00400.22.fs: domain 4 of 12, from 302 to 323: score 19.5, E = 0.00016 *->cvafspdsgpllasgSrDgtikiWd<-* c+++s+d ++++g++Dgt+++++ KIAA0596 302 CISVSQD---YIFCGCADGTVRLFN 323 PF00400.22.fs: domain 5 of 12, from 366 to 389: score 11.2, E = 0.035 *->cvafspdsgpllasgSrDgtikiWd<-* ++ f+p ++l + D++i++Wd KIAA0596 366 ALTFDPT-NQWLSCVYNDHSIYVWD 389 domain 6 of 12, from 397 to 444: score 23.8, E = 0.00057 *->geck.vl.gHtstVtcvafspd.........sgpllasgSrDgtiki g++ + l++ s V++v + p+ ++++ + ++ ++++S+D+ti++ KIAA0596 397 GKVYsALyHS-SCVWSVEVYPEvkdsnqaclPPSSFITCSSDNTIRL 442 Wd<-* W+ KIAA0596 443 WN 444 PF00400.22.fs: domain 6 of 12, from 405 to 444: score 22.1, E = 2.9e-05 *->HtstVtcvafspd.........sgpllasgSrDgtikiWd<-* H+s V++v + p+ ++++ + ++ ++++S+D+ti++W+ KIAA0596 405 HSSCVWSVEVYPEvkdsnqaclPPSSFITCSSDNTIRLWN 444 PF00400.22.fs: domain 7 of 12, from 486 to 524: score 19.6, E = 0.00015 *->geck.vl.gHtstVtcvafspdsgpllasgSrDgtikiWd<-* + +l + ++++v++sp+ g++lasg r gt+++ + KIAA0596 486 DKADaSLlDPRVGIRSVCVSPN-GQHLASGDRMGTLRVHE 524 domain 7 of 12, from 486 to 524: score 21.5, E = 0.0027 *->geck.vl.gHtstVtcvafspdsgpllasgSrDgtikiWd<-* + +l + ++++v++sp+ g++lasg r gt+++ + KIAA0596 486 DKADaSLlDPRVGIRSVCVSPN-GQHLASGDRMGTLRVHE 524 PF00400.22.fs: domain 8 of 12, from 528 to 569: score 18.8, E = 0.00025 *->geck.vl.gHtstVtcvafspd..sgpllasgSrDgtikiWd<-* ++H s + c+ +s ++++ +llas+SrD+ i++ d KIAA0596 528 LSEMlKVeAHDSEILCLEYSKPdtGLKLLASASRDRLIHVLD 569 PF00400.22.fs: domain 9 of 12, from 574 to 614: score 16.9, E = 0.00087 *->geck.vl.gHtstVtcvafspd.sgpllasgSrDgtikiWd<-* ++++l+ H+s++t+v+f+ ++++ +++s+++D++i+ KIAA0596 574 YSLQqTLdEHSSSITAVKFAASdGQVRMISCGADKSIYFRT 614 PF00400.22.fs: domain 11 of 12, from 668 to 706: score 14.2, E = 0.0048 *->geck.vl.gHtstVtcvafspdsgpllasgSrDgtikiWd<-* +++ + +g +t v +p+ g ++a++++D+++ i+d KIAA0596 668 KKLFkGSqGEDGTLIKVQTDPS-GIYIATSCSDKNLSIFD 706 PF00400.22.fs: domain 12 of 12, from 710 to 748: score 36.6, E = 2.4e-09 *->geck.vl.gHtstVtcvafspdsgpllasgSrDgtikiWd<-* gec+ + gH+ Vt ++fs d +++l+s S D +i +W KIAA0596 710 GECVaTMfGHSEIVTGMKFSND-CKHLISVSGDSCIFVWR 748 domain 12 of 12, from 710 to 748: score 38.6, E = 2e-08 *->geck.vl.gHtstVtcvafspdsgpllasgSrDgtikiWd<-* gec+ + gH+ Vt ++fs d +++l+s S D +i +W KIAA0596 710 GECVaTMfGHSEIVTGMKFSND-CKHLISVSGDSCIFVWR 748 //