hmmpfam - search one or more sequences against HMM database HMMER 2.3.2 (Oct 2003) Copyright (C) 1992-2003 HHMI/Washington University School of Medicine Freely distributed under the GNU General Public License (GPL) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - HMM file: /db/iprscan/data/Pfam.bin Sequence file: /db/iprscan/tmp/20080502/iprscan-20080502-08575917/chunk_1/iprscan-20080502-08575917.nocrc - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Query sequence: KIAA0644 Accession: [none] Description: [none] Scores for sequence family classification (score includes all domains): Model Description Score E-value N -------- ----------- ----- ------- --- Leucine Rich Repeat 142.3 1.2e-39 11 PF00560.23.fs Leucine Rich Repeat 121.8 1.8e-33 11 PF01463.14.fs Leucine rich repeat C-terminal domain 15.0 0.001 1 Parsed for domains: Model Domain seq-f seq-t hmm-f hmm-t score E-value -------- ------- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ------- 1/11 160 182 .. 1 24 [] 17.0 0.065 PF00560.23.fs 1/11 160 182 .. 1 24 [] 15.1 0.0045 PF00560.23.fs 2/11 184 206 .. 1 24 [] 12.8 0.018 2/11 184 206 .. 1 24 [] 14.7 0.31 PF00560.23.fs 3/11 208 230 .. 1 24 [] 11.1 0.055 3/11 208 230 .. 1 24 [] 13.0 0.98 4/11 232 254 .. 1 24 [] 12.2 1.4 5/11 256 278 .. 1 24 [] 10.8 2.5 7/11 306 328 .. 1 24 [] 12.0 1.5 8/11 330 352 .. 1 24 [] 11.5 1.9 9/11 354 376 .. 1 24 [] 13.7 0.64 PF00560.23.fs 9/11 354 376 .. 1 24 [] 11.8 0.036 PF00560.23.fs 10/11 378 400 .. 1 24 [] 16.5 0.0019 10/11 378 400 .. 1 24 [] 18.3 0.025 11/11 402 424 .. 1 24 [] 11.7 1.7 PF01463.14.fs 1/1 463 491 .. 1 26 [] 15.0 0.001 Alignments of top-scoring domains: domain 1 of 11, from 160 to 182: score 17.0, E = 0.065 *-><-* +L+ LdL++ N ++ +sl++ ++++l KIAA0644 160 QLRRLDLQY-N-QI-RSLHPKtFeKL 182 PF00560.23.fs: domain 1 of 11, from 160 to 182: score 15.1, E = 0.0045 *-><-* +L+ LdL++ N ++ +sl++ ++++l KIAA0644 160 QLRRLDLQY-N-QI-RSLHPKtFeKL 182 PF00560.23.fs: domain 2 of 11, from 184 to 206: score 12.8, E = 0.018 *-><-* +LeeL+L++ N l+ l++++l l KIAA0644 184 RLEELYLGN-N-LLQ-ALAPGtLaPL 206 domain 2 of 11, from 184 to 206: score 14.7, E = 0.31 *-><-* +LeeL+L++ N l+ l++++l l KIAA0644 184 RLEELYLGN-N-LLQ-ALAPGtLaPL 206 PF00560.23.fs: domain 3 of 11, from 208 to 230: score 11.1, E = 0.055 *-><-* +L++L+ +g N ++ l+ +++++l KIAA0644 208 KLRILYANG-N-EIS-RLSRGsFeGL 230 domain 3 of 11, from 208 to 230: score 13.0, E = 0.98 *-><-* +L++L+ +g N ++ l+ +++++l KIAA0644 208 KLRILYANG-N-EIS-RLSRGsFeGL 230 domain 4 of 11, from 232 to 254: score 12.2, E = 1.4 *-><-* +L +L+L+g N l g lp+ + l KIAA0644 232 SLVKLRLDG-N-AL-GALPDAvFaPL 254 domain 5 of 11, from 256 to 278: score 10.8, E = 2.5 *-><-* nL +L+L++ N ++ + l ++++ l KIAA0644 256 NLLYLHLES-N-RI-RFLGKNaFaQL 278 domain 7 of 11, from 306 to 328: score 12.0, E = 1.5 *-><-* +L +L Ls N sl+ +l + +++l KIAA0644 306 SLSSLILSA-N-SLQ-HLGPRiFqHL 328 domain 8 of 11, from 330 to 352: score 11.5, E = 1.9 *-><-* +L L+L+g N +lt +l+++++ +l KIAA0644 330 RLGLLSLRG-N-QLT-HLAPEaFwGL 352 domain 9 of 11, from 354 to 376: score 13.7, E = 0.64 *-><-* L+eL+L+g N +l+ lp l+ l KIAA0644 354 ALRELRLEG-N-RLS-QLPTAlLePL 376 PF00560.23.fs: domain 9 of 11, from 354 to 376: score 11.8, E = 0.036 *-><-* L+eL+L+g N +l+ lp l+ l KIAA0644 354 ALRELRLEG-N-RLS-QLPTAlLePL 376 PF00560.23.fs: domain 10 of 11, from 378 to 400: score 16.5, E = 0.0019 *-><-* +Le LdLsg N l+ l++ ++++l KIAA0644 378 SLEALDLSG-N-ELS-ALHPAtFgHL 400 domain 10 of 11, from 378 to 400: score 18.3, E = 0.025 *-><-* +Le LdLsg N l+ l++ ++++l KIAA0644 378 SLEALDLSG-N-ELS-ALHPAtFgHL 400 domain 11 of 11, from 402 to 424: score 11.7, E = 1.7 *-><-* +L+eL+L++ N l+ l+ + + KIAA0644 402 RLRELSLRN-N-ALS-ALSGDiFaAS 424 PF01463.14.fs: domain 1 of 1, from 463 to 491: score 15.0, E = 0.001 *->dlrCasPeslrGqplldlpp....sdfsCp<-* +++C +P++lrG ld++++++ ++ sC KIAA0644 463 FVQCRHPPALRG-KYLDYLDdqqlQNGSCA 491 //