hmmpfam - search one or more sequences against HMM database HMMER 2.3.2 (Oct 2003) Copyright (C) 1992-2003 HHMI/Washington University School of Medicine Freely distributed under the GNU General Public License (GPL) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - HMM file: /db/iprscan/data/Pfam.bin Sequence file: /db/iprscan/tmp/20080502/iprscan-20080502-16465283/chunk_1/iprscan-20080502-16465283.nocrc - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Query sequence: KIAA0918 Accession: [none] Description: [none] Scores for sequence family classification (score includes all domains): Model Description Score E-value N -------- ----------- ----- ------- --- Leucine Rich Repeat 114.1 3.6e-31 11 PF00560.23.fs Leucine Rich Repeat 94.0 4.1e-25 10 Leucine rich repeat N-terminal domain 24.3 0.00041 2 Parsed for domains: Model Domain seq-f seq-t hmm-f hmm-t score E-value -------- ------- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ------- 3/11 138 160 .. 1 24 [] 12.5 1.2 PF00560.23.fs 3/10 162 184 .. 1 24 [] 12.6 0.021 4/11 162 184 .. 1 24 [] 14.5 0.36 6/11 209 229 .. 1 24 [] 9.4 4.6 2/2 381 414 .. 1 34 [] 22.6 0.0013 7/11 442 464 .. 1 24 [] 11.6 1.8 PF00560.23.fs 7/10 466 488 .. 1 24 [] 14.9 0.0049 8/11 466 488 .. 1 24 [] 16.8 0.072 9/11 490 512 .. 1 24 [] 10.9 2.4 PF00560.23.fs 9/10 514 536 .. 1 24 [] 12.3 0.025 10/11 514 536 .. 1 24 [] 14.2 0.44 11/11 537 557 .. 1 24 [] 9.2 4.9 Alignments of top-scoring domains: domain 3 of 11, from 138 to 160: score 12.5, E = 1.2 *-><-* L+ L+L++ N +l+ l ++++ +l KIAA0918 138 GLRRLHLNN-N-KLE-LLRDDtFlGL 160 PF00560.23.fs: domain 3 of 10, from 162 to 184: score 12.6, E = 0.021 *-><-* nLe+L +++ N ++ ++++++++l KIAA0918 162 NLEYLQVDY-N-YIS-VIEPNaFgKL 184 domain 4 of 11, from 162 to 184: score 14.5, E = 0.36 *-><-* nLe+L +++ N ++ ++++++++l KIAA0918 162 NLEYLQVDY-N-YIS-VIEPNaFgKL 184 domain 6 of 11, from 209 to 229: score 9.4, E = 4.6 *-><-* L++LdL+g N +l + lp ++ l KIAA0918 209 PLTHLDLRG-N-RL-KLLPY-VgLL 229 domain 2 of 2, from 381 to 414: score 22.6, E = 0.0013 *->aCpapCtCser.ytdglvVdCsgrgLtvavPrdlP<-* Cp C C + + gl+V+C++r+ ++ P KIAA0918 381 ECPTACSCNLQiSDLGLNVNCQERKIE-SIAELQP 414 domain 7 of 11, from 442 to 464: score 11.6, E = 1.8 *-><-* L L+L++ N +++ +++ ++++l KIAA0918 442 GLDLLHLGN-N-RIS-MIQDRaFgDL 464 PF00560.23.fs: domain 7 of 10, from 466 to 488: score 14.9, E = 0.0049 *-><-* nL+ L+L+g N +++ l+++ + +l KIAA0918 466 NLRRLYLNG-N-RIE-RLSPElFyGL 488 domain 8 of 11, from 466 to 488: score 16.8, E = 0.072 *-><-* nL+ L+L+g N +++ l+++ + +l KIAA0918 466 NLRRLYLNG-N-RIE-RLSPElFyGL 488 domain 9 of 11, from 490 to 512: score 10.9, E = 2.4 *-><-* +L++L L++ N + ++++s++++ KIAA0918 490 SLQYLFLQY-N-LI-REIQSGtFdPV 512 PF00560.23.fs: domain 9 of 10, from 514 to 536: score 12.3, E = 0.025 *-><-* nL+ L L++ N l+ +ps+ +++l KIAA0918 514 NLQLLFLNN-N-LLQ-AMPSGvFsGL 536 domain 10 of 11, from 514 to 536: score 14.2, E = 0.44 *-><-* nL+ L L++ N l+ +ps+ +++l KIAA0918 514 NLQLLFLNN-N-LLQ-AMPSGvFsGL 536 domain 11 of 11, from 537 to 557: score 9.2, E = 4.9 *-><-* +L L+L++ N ++t slp+ ++l KIAA0918 537 TLLRLNLRS-N-HFT-SLPV-SgVL 557 //