hmmpfam - search one or more sequences against HMM database HMMER 2.3.2 (Oct 2003) Copyright (C) 1992-2003 HHMI/Washington University School of Medicine Freely distributed under the GNU General Public License (GPL) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - HMM file: /db/iprscan/data/smart.HMMs.bin Sequence file: /db/iprscan/tmp/20080502/iprscan-20080502-09352722/chunk_1/iprscan-20080502-09352722.nocrc - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Query sequence: KIAA1677 Accession: [none] Description: [none] Scores for sequence family classification (score includes all domains): Model Description Score E-value N -------- ----------- ----- ------- --- SM00612 128.8 5.8e-34 5 Parsed for domains: Model Domain seq-f seq-t hmm-f hmm-t score E-value -------- ------- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ------- SM00612 1/5 245 296 .. 1 55 [] 27.0 0.0026 SM00612 2/5 297 343 .. 1 55 [] 30.5 0.00022 SM00612 3/5 344 405 .. 1 55 [] 15.0 0.42 SM00612 4/5 406 459 .. 1 55 [] 51.5 1.1e-10 SM00612 5/5 460 509 .. 1 55 [] 4.8 6 Alignments of top-scoring domains: SM00612: domain 1 of 5, from 245 to 296: score 27.0, E = 0.0026 *->kiYvvGGfdgttrclp.gegqrlksvEvYDpetnkWrpvpsMptpRs ++ GG + p+ge +++++v++YDp+ n W ++++M++pRs KIAA1677 245 FVFLLGG--EELG--PdGEFHASSKVFRYDPRQNSWLQMADMSVPRS 287 gagvaving<-* ++v+vi++ KIAA1677 288 EFAVGVIGK 296 SM00612: domain 2 of 5, from 297 to 343: score 30.5, E = 0.00022 *->kiYvvGGfdgttrclpgegqrlksvEvYDpetnkWrpvpsMptpRsg iY+v G+ + +++ s+E+YD ++kW+ v + p+ +g KIAA1677 297 FIYAVAGRTR--------DETFYSTERYDITNDKWEFVDPYPVNKYG 335 agvaving<-* + +v+n+ KIAA1677 336 HEGTVLNN 343 SM00612: domain 3 of 5, from 344 to 405: score 15.0, E = 0.42 *-> k++++GG ++++k v v+Dp+++++ ++++++++ t KIAA1677 344 KLFITGGITS--------SSTSKQVCVFDPskegtieqrtrrtqvVT 382 nkWrpvpsMptpRsgagvaving<-* n W++ +M+++R+ + + + ng KIAA1677 383 NCWENKSKMNYARCFHKMISYNG 405 SM00612: domain 4 of 5, from 406 to 459: score 51.5, E = 1.1e-10 *->kiYvvGGfdgttrclp.gegqrlksvEvYDpetnkWrpvpsMptpRs k+Yv+GG + + + + e+q + s+EvY+pet++W++++sMp +Rs KIAA1677 406 KLYVFGG--VCVILRAsFESQGCPSTEVYNPETDQWTILASMPIGRS 450 gagvaving<-* g+gv+v+++ KIAA1677 451 GHGVTVLDK 459 SM00612: domain 5 of 5, from 460 to 509: score 4.8, E = 6 *->kiYvvGGfdgttrclpgegqrlksvEvYDpetnkWr..pvpsMptpR +i+v GG + g++++s+ +Dp++nkW++++ p Mp++ KIAA1677 460 QIMVLGGLCYN-------GHYSDSILTFDPDENKWKedEYPRMPCKL 499 sgagvaving<-* g v+ ++ KIAA1677 500 DGLQVCNLHF 509 //