Gene/Protein Characteristic Table for KIAA0208
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Product ID ORK03291
Accession No D86963
Description dishevelled segment polarity protein 3
Clone name ha02713
Vector information
The cDNA fragment was inserted at the EcoRV-NotI site of the ...
cDNA sequence DNA sequence (5146 bp)
Predicted protein sequence (748 aa)
Flexi ORF Clone FXC03291
Source Myeloblast cell line (KG-1)
Rouge ID mKIAA0208 by Kazusa Mouse cDNA Project
Features of the cloned cDNA sequence

Length: 5146 bp
Physical map
Restriction map
Prediction of protein coding region (GeneMark analysis).

N-terminal truncation Coding interruption
cloned DNA seq No warning No warning

Ensembl ContigView (Add our DAS server as a DAS source)

Chr f/r start end exon identity class
Ensembl gnome browser 3 f 185355978 185374092 15 99.4 Perfect prediction
Features of the protein sequence

Length: 748 aa
Result of homology search against nr database (FASTA output, Multiple alignment)
Entry Exp ID% Protein Source
Q92997 0 100.0 Segment polarit...
Homo sapiens
AAB84228 0 99.9 dishevelled 3 [...
Homo sapiens
AAH32459 0 99.9 Dishevelled, ds...
Homo sapiens
XP_535822 0 99.3 similar to dish...
Canis lupus fam...
AAB65244 0 99.6 dishevelled 3 [...
Homo sapiens
The numbers on the left and right sides of a black line in the graphical overview indicate the lengths (in amino acid residues) of the non-homologous N-terminal and C-terminal portions flanking the homologous region (indicated by the black line), respectively.
Result of homology search against HUGE database (FASTA output, Multiple alignment)
No significant homologues
Result of motif / domain search (InterProScan and SOSUI)

Result of InterProScan

Search method interpro_ID From To Entry Definition
BlastProDom IPR001158 35 120 PD003639 DIX
FPrintScan IPR008339 356 370 PR01760 Dishevelled region
IPR008339 390 402 PR01760 Dishevelled region
IPR008339 485 495 PR01760 Dishevelled region
IPR008339 511 522 PR01760 Dishevelled region
IPR008342 531 541 PR01763 Dishevelled-3 protein
IPR008342 583 592 PR01763 Dishevelled-3 protein
IPR008342 617 628 PR01763 Dishevelled-3 protein
IPR008342 666 677 PR01763 Dishevelled-3 protein
HMMPfam IPR001158 33 114 PF00778 DIX
IPR003351 174 245 PF02377 Dishevelled protein
IPR001478 281 366 PF00595 PDZ/DHR/GLGF
IPR000591 454 526 PF00610 Pleckstrin/ G-protein
HMMSmart IPR001158 33 114 SM00021 DIX
IPR001478 290 369 SM00228 PDZ/DHR/GLGF
IPR000591 454 528 SM00049 Pleckstrin/ G-protein
ProfileScan IPR001158 33 114 PS50841 DIX
IPR001478 281 353 PS50106 PDZ/DHR/GLGF
IPR000591 454 528 PS50186 Pleckstrin/ G-protein
Expression profile

Northern blot
Experimental conditions
PCR conditions test

RH mapping information

Chromosome No. 3
Experimental conditions
Panel name Genebridge 4
PCR product length 110 bp
PCR conditions 95 °C15 sec66 °C60 sec30 cycles
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