Laboratory of Gene Sequencing Analysis
One of our main tasks is to ensure maintenance and transfer of the advanced technological details of DNA sequencing to the future generations. Our additional endeavor is to acquire constantly introduced/modified techniques and methods as well as to develop new techniques and methods of our own. Throughout these activities we aim to create and run a system in which the techniques and methods we use will be offered to scientists in industrial, academic and governmental sectors. Partly based on the royalty we obtain from our clients, we will be able to keep the system continuously running.
In order to return to the society the knowhow we have acquired through our genomic and genetic analysis over the past 20 years at Kazusa DNA Research Institute, we are planning to provide the society with a system in which advanced technologies for genomic/genetic analysis that require a rather heavy initial investment may be accommodated for the society. In addition to offering commonly used analytical methods within the system, we are happy to announce that users of the system may ask us to help them in performing difficult tasks such as, for example, sequencing degraded or small amounts of DNA/RNA, etc.
Until today, using a variety of analytical facilities with sophisticate functions, we have performed a large number of genomic/genetic analyses requested by scientists from industrial, academic and governmental sectors. We will continue to collaborate with scientists of public research institutions as well as those of private sectors by providing them with technical helps and/or contract-based analyses of their samples.

Group Leader
Genome biology, Cell engineering, Human artificial chromosomes
Member List
- Yoshinori Hasegawa yhasega [at]
- Hisashi Yamakawa yamakawa [at]
- Kazuto Kugou kkugou [at]
- Koichiro Otake kotake [at]
- Tsutomu Hosouchi
- Tomomi Kato
- Kazuhiro Sato
- Takashi Watanabe
- Yoshitaka Gomi
- Atsuko Hosouchi
- Yuki Yamanaka
- Emiko Suzuki
- Mariko Oosone
- Yuka Hasegawa
- Miyuki Inde
- Takumi Tsuboi