テーマ 36細胞ごとにさまざまな遺伝子が活性化されます
- Dr. Pat Brown's Lab Homepage
- Brown's web site has instructions on how to build your own DNA arrayer and scanner. There are also photos and science articles on DNA microarray technology.
- DNA Microarry, Genome Chip
- This site has a collection of links, news and other information pertaining to DNA arrays and GeneChips®.
- Alizadeh, A.A., Elsen, M.B., et al., 2000, Distinct Types of Diffuse large B-cell Lymphona Identified by Gene Expression Profiling, Nature, 403: 503-511.
- Chee, M., Yang, R., et al., 1996, Accessing Genetic Information with High-Density DNA Arrays, Science, 274: 610-614.
- Dawid, I.B. and Sargent, T.D., 1988, Xenopus laevis in Developmental and Molecular Biology, Science, 240: 1443-1447.
- Fodor, S.P.A. and Read, J.L., et al., 1991, Light-Directed, Spatially Addressable Parallel Chemical Synthesis, Science, 251: 767-772.
- Iyer, V.R., et.al., 1999, The Transcriptional Program in the Response of Human Fibroblasts to Serum, Science, 283: 83-87.
- Jamrich, M., Sargent, T.D., and Dawid, I.B., 1985, Altered Morphogenesis and Its Effects on Gene Activity in Xenopus laevis Embryos, Cold Spring Harbor Symp. Quant. Biol., 50: 31-35.
- Liotta, L., and Petricoin, E., 2000, Molecular Profiling of Human Cancer, Nature Review, 1: 48-56.
- Sargent, T.D. and Dawid, I., 1983, Differential Gene Expression in the Gastrula of Xenopus laevis, Science, 222: 135-139.
- Schena, M., Shalon, D., Davis, R.W., Brown, P.O., 1995, Quantitative Monitoring of Gene Expression Patterns with a Complementary DNA Microarray, Science, 270: 467-470.
- Winzeler, E.A., Richards, D.R., et al., 1998, Direct Allelic Variation Scanning of the Yeast Genome, Science, 281: 1194-1197.
- Gilbert, Scott F., 1988, Developmental Biology, Second Edition, Sinauer Associates, Inc., Sunderland, Mass.