Gene/Protein Characteristic Table for KIAA1615
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Product ID ORK07490
Accession No AB046835
Description zinc finger protein 529
Clone name fj13419
Vector information
The cDNA fragment was inserted at the SalI-NotI site of the ...
cDNA sequence DNA sequence (3934 bp)
Predicted protein sequence (484 aa)
Source Human fetal brain
Features of the cloned cDNA sequence

Length: 3934 bp
Physical map
Restriction map
Prediction of protein coding region (GeneMark analysis).

N-terminal truncation Coding interruption
cloned DNA seq Warning No warning
Integrity of 3' end
Length of 3'UTR 2478 bp
Genome contig ID gi42406306r_41627134
PolyA signal sequence
Flanking genome sequence
(100000 - 99951)

Ensembl ContigView (Add our DAS server as a DAS source)

Chr f/r start end exon identity class
Ensembl gnome browser 19 r 41727134 41731063 1 99.0 Perfect prediction
Features of the protein sequence

Length: 484 aa
Result of homology search against nr database (FASTA output, Multiple alignment)
Entry Exp ID% Protein Source
NP_066002 1.1e-212 99.8 zinc finger pro...
Homo sapiens
Q6P280 1.5e-212 99.8 Zinc finger pro...
Homo sapiens
XP_512621 1e-209 98.8 zinc finger pro...
Pan troglodytes
BAB15068 7.5e-202 99.8 unnamed protein...
Homo sapiens
XP_587640 1.3e-160 78.6 similar to Zinc...
Bos taurus
The numbers on the left and right sides of a black line in the graphical overview indicate the lengths (in amino acid residues) of the non-homologous N-terminal and C-terminal portions flanking the homologous region (indicated by the black line), respectively.
Result of homology search against HUGE database (FASTA output, Multiple alignment)
Entry Exp ID% HUGE_ID
AB037852 1.8e-65 46.3 KIAA1431
AB046779 6e-65 53.3 KIAA1559
AB037817 3.8e-62 46.6 KIAA1396
AB037770 1e-61 48.9 KIAA1349
AB107355 2.4e-61 48.2 KIAA2033
The numbers on the left and right sides of a black line in the graphical overview indicate the lengths (in amino acid residues) of the non-homologous N-terminal and C-terminal portions flanking the homologous region (indicated by the black line), respectively.
Result of motif / domain search (InterProScan and SOSUI)

Result of InterProScan

Search method interpro_ID From To Entry Definition
BlastProDom IPR007087 203 226 PD000003 Zinc finger
IPR007087 231 254 PD000003 Zinc finger
IPR007087 259 282 PD000003 Zinc finger
IPR007087 287 310 PD000003 Zinc finger
IPR007087 315 338 PD000003 Zinc finger
IPR007087 343 366 PD000003 Zinc finger
IPR007087 371 394 PD000003 Zinc finger
IPR007087 399 422 PD000003 Zinc finger
IPR007087 427 450 PD000003 Zinc finger
HMMPfam IPR007087 203 225 PF00096 Zinc finger
IPR007087 231 253 PF00096 Zinc finger
IPR007087 259 281 PF00096 Zinc finger
IPR007087 287 309 PF00096 Zinc finger
IPR007087 315 337 PF00096 Zinc finger
IPR007087 343 365 PF00096 Zinc finger
IPR007087 371 393 PF00096 Zinc finger
IPR007087 399 421 PF00096 Zinc finger
IPR007087 427 449 PF00096 Zinc finger
HMMSmart IPR015880 203 225 SM00355 Zinc finger
IPR015880 231 253 SM00355 Zinc finger
IPR015880 259 281 SM00355 Zinc finger
IPR015880 287 309 SM00355 Zinc finger
IPR015880 315 337 SM00355 Zinc finger
IPR015880 343 365 SM00355 Zinc finger
IPR015880 371 393 SM00355 Zinc finger
IPR015880 399 421 SM00355 Zinc finger
IPR015880 427 449 SM00355 Zinc finger
ProfileScan IPR007087 120 147 PS50157 Zinc finger
IPR007087 203 230 PS50157 Zinc finger
IPR007087 231 258 PS50157 Zinc finger
IPR007087 259 286 PS50157 Zinc finger
IPR007087 287 314 PS50157 Zinc finger
IPR007087 315 342 PS50157 Zinc finger
IPR007087 343 370 PS50157 Zinc finger
IPR007087 371 398 PS50157 Zinc finger
IPR007087 399 426 PS50157 Zinc finger
IPR007087 427 454 PS50157 Zinc finger
IPR007087 455 482 PS50157 Zinc finger
ScanRegExp IPR007087 205 225 PS00028 Zinc finger
IPR007087 233 253 PS00028 Zinc finger
IPR007087 261 281 PS00028 Zinc finger
IPR007087 289 309 PS00028 Zinc finger
IPR007087 317 337 PS00028 Zinc finger
IPR007087 345 365 PS00028 Zinc finger
IPR007087 373 393 PS00028 Zinc finger
IPR007087 401 421 PS00028 Zinc finger
IPR007087 429 449 PS00028 Zinc finger
Expression profile

Experimental conditions
PCR conditions 95 °C30 sec55 °C30 sec72 °C60 sec30 cycles

RH mapping information

Chromosome No. 19
Experimental conditions
Panel name CCR
PCR product length 150 bp
PCR conditions 95 °C15 sec62 °C60 sec30 cycles
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