Department of Applied Genomics

Since its opening in 1994, our institute has accomplished high-level scientific results in basic research fields and earned a worldwide reputation for them. During this time, the word ‘DNA’ became quite familiar in our daily life and DNA itself has become recognized as an indispensable entity in our society.

We have taken these to indicate that the time is ripe for our institute to change its structure and function and play more active roles in the society. In accordance with this notion, we have newly established Department of Applied Genomics by re-organizing fellow researchers into five groups; namely, Laboratory of Genetic Diagnosis, Laboratory of Applied Proteomics Research, Laboratory of Gene Sequencing Analysis, Laboratory of Plant DNA Analysis, and Laboratory of Biomolecule Analysis. The main intention behind this re-organization is to return the fruits of our scientific achievements back to the society as much as possible and in various forms.

The principal role of our department is to evaluate the results of genome analysis and related technologies of Department of Frontier Research and Development as well as other groups of our institute and to systematically investigate how to utilize their achievements in medicine-, food-, agriculture- and environment-related industries.

Osamu Ohara
Head of Department
Biophysics, Clinical omics

