テーマ 19DNA分子はねじれたはしごのような形をしています
- RasMol and Chime: Molecular Visualization Freeware
- Highly recommended. Download and install the Chime plug-in and you can look at DNA as you've never seen it before. Chime is a program that allows you to rotate, move and look at molecules in your web browser.
- Access Excellence
- As part of their archives on favorite classroom activities submitted by high school biology and life sciences teachers, the transcript of an interview with Dr. Francis Crick is available.
- LionBook Web site
- Developed by the authors of Biology, the Living Science, this web site has the Watson and Crick paper: A Structure for Deoxyribose Nucleic Acid, and also A Reader's Guide to James D. Watson's The Double Helix. There are also interesting essays on the process of scientific discovery.
- Crystallography 101
- This site is from Dr. Bernhard Rupp's lab at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, and has a tutorial on X-ray crystallography.
- Left-handed DNA Hall of Fame/Wall of Shame
- This web site is maintained by Tom Schneider at the National Institutes of Health. As he says, "many artists will flip a picture of DNA over and reverse the twist [from right-handed to left-handed]... This error has become so pervasive that even well-known scientists, major scientific journals and institutes make it." His web site has a collection of these mistakes.
- Baldwin, Joyce, 1994, DNA Pioneer: James Watson and the Double Helix, Walker and Company, New York.
- Crick, Francis, 1988, What Mad Pursuit: A Personal View of Scientific Discovery, Basic Books, Inc., New York.
- Dunn, L.C., 1991, A Short History of Genetics: The Development of Some of the Main Lines of Thought: 1864-1939, Iowa State University Press, Ames.
- Judson, Horace Freeland, 1979, The Eighth Day of Creation: Makers of the Revolution in Biology, Simon and Schuster, New York.
- Lagerkvist, Ulf, 1998, DNA Pioneers and Their Legacy, Yale University Press, New Haven.
- Morange, Michel, 1998, A History of Molecular Biology, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts.
- Nobel Lectures in Molecular Biology 1933-1975, 1977, Elsevier North-Holland, Inc., New York.
- Olby, Robert, 1974, The Path to the Double Helix: The Discovery of DNA, Dover Publications, Inc., New York.
- Portugal, Franklin H., and Cohen, Jack S., 1977, A Century of DNA: A History of the Structure and Function of the Genetic Substance, The Massachusetts Institute of Technology, U. S. A.
- Rosenfield, Israel, Ziff, Edward, and Van Loon, Borin, 1983, DNA for Beginners, Writers and Readers Publishing, Inc.
- Sayre, Anne, 1975, Rosalind Franklin & DNA, W. W. Norton and Company, New York, New York.
- Stubbe, Hans, 1972 (English Translation), History of Genetics, The Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts.
- Sturtevant, A. H., 1965, A History of Genetics, Harper & Row, Publishers, New York.
- Sweeny, Brian, ed. 1999, Maurice Wilkins, DNA Enabler, The New Zealand Edge, NZEDGE.COM, 2000.
- Taylor, J. Herbert, 1965, Selected Papers on Molecular Genetics, Academic Press, New York.
- Watson, James D., 1987, Molecular Biology of the Gene, The Benjamin/Cummings Publishing Company, Inc., Menlo Park, California.
- Watson, James D., 1980, The Double Helix: A Personal Account of the Discovery of the Structure of DNA, W.W. Norton & Company, New York.